

With co-op living, you can stay in your community of southeast Seattle and build equity.

HomeSight is a nonprofit invested in your community, and you.

We help people buy homes.

Like a bank, HomeSight helps people get mortgage loans.

Unlike a bank, our goal is not to generate profits for shareholders.

As a nonprofit, every profit we make is immediately reinvested back into the community—and you, our client.

Instead of anonymous shareholders, HomeSight is invested in you.

We build homes.

HomeSight develops real estate for low- and middle-income families and small-business community anchors. HomeSight’s goal is not to generate profits but to keep housing affordable for the community members we serve.

We build community.

Through services and advocacy, HomeSight supports homeowners and community businesses, services, and organizations at high risk of displacement.

Our donors make this possible.

Generous gifts from our donors are an investment in the growth and development of strong, vibrant, equitable communities across Washington. You can find more information about our community impact in our latest Impact Report.


Homesight's Vision

HomeSight believes a community only thrives when given the opportunities and resources needed to create homeowners, build strong small businesses and root community anchors. That is why HomeSight strives to provide quality, personalized homeownership opportunities for communities around the state and takes an integrated approach to providing technical assistance and resources to communities with low access to opportunity in SE Seattle. That way, communities can build shared prosperity in their unique ways and on their own terms.

Executive Director



First Time Homebuyers Helped
Homeownership Classes Annually
Global Supporters

With our First Time Homebuyer Support Classes

For over 30 years we’ve been helping people get into their dream homes.

Give Money

Invest in people. Invest in your neighborhood.
Invest in a stronger Community.

Give Time

Share your time. Share your talents.
Share your love for community.