

Since 1990, HomeSight has worked to preserve and promote economically and culturally diverse communities. We realize this vision in three ways:

Homeownership Center programs provide education, counseling, and lending for first-time, low-to-moderate income homebuyers throughout Washington state, creating innovative programs to directly address the identified needs of underserved and under-represented homebuyers.

Real Estate Development initiatives have built over 460 affordable homes for low- and moderate-income homebuyers, and assisted three community-based organizations expand and redevelop their community facilities. Our latest project, a housing co-op called U-lex @ Othello Square, will provide 68 shared-equity units next to the Othello light rail station, enabling low-income families to build equity, improve their financial stability, and generate wealth.

Community and Economic Development programs collaborate with community-based organizations and businesses in Seattle’s most diverse communities. In southeast Seattle, development pressure and ever-decreasing affordability push current residents out of the communities in which they are anchored. Our robust, integrated approach to technical assistance and resource provision provides access points where communities can build shared prosperity in their own ways and on their own terms.

HomeSight’s 2022 All Staff Photo


Since 1990, HomeSight has worked to preserve and promote economically and culturally-diverse communities through affordable homeownership, business development, and community advocacy.

We believe that communities can only be strong, vibrant, and equitable if homeownership is attainable, cultural anchors can thrive in place, small businesses have access to the knowledge and tools to excel in changing markets, and prosperity is built and shared amongst all members of each unique community.

Homesight's Mission

HomeSight promotes social and economic equity to preserve and enhance economically and culturally diverse communities through affordable homeownership, business development, and community advocacy.

Homesight's Vision

HomeSight believes a community only thrives when given the opportunities and resources needed to create homeowners, build strong small businesses and root community anchors. That is why HomeSight strives to provide quality, personalized homeownership opportunities for communities around the state and takes an integrated approach to providing technical assistance and resources to communities with low access to opportunity in SE Seattle. That way, communities can build shared prosperity in their unique ways and on their own terms.

Executive Director

Homesight's Vision

HomeSight believes a community only thrives when given the opportunities and resources needed to create homeowners, build strong small businesses and root community anchors. That is why HomeSight strives to provide quality, personalized homeownership opportunities for communities around the state and takes an integrated approach to providing technical assistance and resources to communities with low access to opportunity in SE Seattle. That way, communities can build shared prosperity in their unique ways and on their own terms.

Executive Director

Through the Years

Our Partners
