
Community & Business Development

HomeSight creates thriving communities by leading coalitions and partnering with organizations in our southeast Seattle community. Our southeast Seattle neighborhood is home to over 40 ethnic groups. Walking through our streets, you might hear up to 60 different languages spoken. This diversity is precious, unique, and in danger of displacement through social and economic pressures.

In partnership with the community, HomeSight offers programs that respond to unique community needs, provide technical assistance to individual and businesses, and build strong neighborhood advocacy programs. We host events throughout the year designed to build strong community bonds and help small businesses thrive. Through these efforts, we aim to preserve the unique diversity of southeast Seattle and building shared prosperity for its residents, businesses, and cultural anchors.

Community & Business Development

HomeSight creates thriving communities by leading coalitions and partnering with organizations in our southeast Seattle community. Our southeast Seattle neighborhood is home to over 40 ethnic groups. Walking through our streets, you might hear up to 60 different languages spoken. This diversity is precious, unique, and in danger of displacement through social and economic pressures.

In partnership with the community, HomeSight offers programs that respond to unique community needs, provide technical assistance to individual and businesses, and build strong neighborhood advocacy programs. We host events throughout the year designed to build strong community bonds and help small businesses thrive. Through these efforts, we aim to preserve the unique diversity of southeast Seattle and building shared prosperity for its residents, businesses, and cultural anchors.

Programs & Collaborations

technology ACCESS & education


HomeSight works with a number of partners to better execute on its mission to create culturally and economically thriving communities.

Visit our partners to learn more about the great work they’re doing!
